Due to an unforseen circumstances @ home...me & wifey had to send baby to her nanny @ kampung. We decided that we would go to werk from kampung the next day..It has been raining non stop since Thursday morning and by the time we reached kampung, it was still raining and infact, raining heavily....
0530hrs....wake up call. Time to leave for werk. It was still raining then...me jumped out of bed to ge ready...left kampung at 0620hrs. We took the usual route via Gelang Patah and only to realised something amiss with the surrounding..
It was only 0630hrs and there are many people standing by the roadside ... me and wifey were quite puzzelled seeing those people standing at the roadside @0630hrs..Suddently wifey pointed out at some houses...
I was stunned when I saw houses being hit by flood. Some of the houses had water up to the waist level...and I saw a few kids actually swimming along the road..juz like was we usually sees at water theme park. Happily playing with

the floodwater....
I was caught in the flood..
At one point it was almost imposibble for cars to pass as the water level was quite deep. A river had overflow and the current looked rather strong...

Thought for a while before I decide to U turn back and enter Singapore via JB. Didn't want to take any chances as we saw a few motocyclist got stuck in the middle on the flood water..
The road towards JB was a slow one..Traffic jams all over..and I have a meeting to attend to with Big Boss Man @ 0900hrs..*Damn*...Am I not stress or wat !..
Anyway, we managed to clear Tuas Checkpoint by 0930hrs.. Wifey send me to werk before after which she took the car to her werkplace..
After work...me and wifey went back to kampung to stay for the weekend. Took a slow drive via Woodland causeway..
Once in JB, we had our dinner at a roadside

Mcdonald. It has been a while since we've had such dinner..we talked for a while before proceeding back home...Along the way to kampung we talked about our morning adventure and how we wished that

I had brought along my SLR Camera to capture those moments especially seeing the kids actually swimming in the flood @ 0630hrs...