Monday, July 30, 2007
Confession of a Happy Man

Monday, July 23, 2007
..in search of Xing Dong Wu

Along the way, I kept thinking as to skip or not to skip..Had a tired day in the office with lots and lots of walking... But I managed to brush off those negative vibes and attend the lesson.
Upon reaching the DOJO, my Sensei was already there..Told me to do my warmed up before he starts the class.
Soon the class started. Today's lesson was Ikyo , Ni kyo lock and lots of throwing...Then there was this move where by we fought on our knees (can't remember the JAPANESE word for it). It was a solid 15 mins that I was on my knees exercuting those moves..As I have not been doing this for sometime, I could feel my legs starting to shake. Then, we started slamming..My all time FAV. though most students prefer rolling...But me, BAHM !!!!...WWE style.
Anyway, soon after the lesson, I sat at one conner (relax one conner) and began reflecting those yrs that I had attended the lessons. I'm into my 9th yrs in Aikido and I am still holding a Brown Gold. During these 9 yrs I had stopped trg from 2000 - 2005. But supprisingly, I did not forget most of the move. Prehaps, I kept playing those moves in my mind all this while. It helps a lot.

I will complete my journey in search of my innerself (yeh rite !), and bring balance to the FORCE..eerrr, am I correct to say this ?Didn't sound rite though. Anyway, I shall make the YING and YANG balance and if YAN can COOK..So can u !
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Rules of PHOTOGRAPHY - Education Series
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Old Skool Drinks
Was having a drink at a warong in JB when I came across an Old Skool Drink. Wonder if we could still find this here. The old skool touch...

The Lone Runner

It has been quite a while since I have done any running / jogging...Been wanting to start running but I juz could not find the time and if there is any, I'll probably be doing something else..Anyway, the truth is, I am juz full of excuses.hehehe.. I got the chance to do some light jogging a few days back. Didn't want to exhert myself too much...took a drive to Mandai Reservior (I think so...not too sure of the name)..and thus begin the slow, in fact, the very slow jog...hehehe

Jogged for almost 40mins before I decided to head back home..
Will definately return .... but not sure if it is to jog or something else...Quite a kewl place to lepak lepak over a secangkir kopi panas...
Monday, July 09, 2007
...and more then meets the eye.

Had planned to watched TRANSFORMER over the last few days but me and wifey juz could not find dat little time ... It was either the travel or the werk...Anyway, today we finally managed to squeeze the little time we had and plan to enjoy it by watching TRANSFORMER...
A time worth spent...as the movie did not disappoint us.. At least for me..not too sure about wifey...but I guess she must have enjoyed it too..
The effect was superbly done...This is wat I call, MORE THEN MEETS THE EYE.
I could almost felt that it was the real thingy...
As for storyline, it was pretty much normal for an action movie...Gunz, Hunks, Babes, Explosion, Silly People and stuff...
Overall rating : 8.924/10
Babe rating : 8.987/10
Next Movie : definately not Harry Potter.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
...the sunset

Anyway, I wasn't much in the mood to take photos so I decided to test my Nokia N73 instead with a sunset pix.. The sun wasn't dat much of a looker dat day though ...
Pix were taken at Sungai Rambah Beach...
Friday, July 06, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The Original CASINO ROYALE...
Monday, July 02, 2007
Service with a SMILE. ; )

92 000km...dat was the total distance I had travelled with my "Sunny" Boy.... It was time to give a servicing package. Activated my usual troopers and the we named the OPS :
"Daddy Yankee"....
We meet up at rendevous point @ 1030hrs before proceeding to our first target point.

Had some printing job to be settled before "Sunny" Boy and Don " Matrix" had its servicing.
Was browsing thru' the shops while me car was being serviced when suddently, something captured my attention. Dat beautiful, sleak body with a black sexy outfit dat I juz could not take away my eyes off it. I was in LOVE.....
Regardless of what my buddies said, I could not care less... This is a matter of the HEART...which I can't simply brushed it away...
Why ?? Why does this have to happen ??...at least to me. I can't simply handle 2... How can I afford it.One have to leave...thus, a decision was made...
My parting message : Dear Love, for u have served me well over my 1 yr with u and thanks for all those wonderfull services that u have rendered to me all this while. I will always remember those fun memories dat we shared. I shall bring those fun memories to my new love.
Ladies & gentleman...Old Lady & Old Man.. Policeman & Fireman ... Introducing, the love of my life (for now)...M/s Nokia N73 (musix edition).
...anyway. Enough for my love life...Back to some serious stuff.The ops. continued till nite and when it was time for Oscar Echo we sure did not missed out any details.

Time checked : 2200hrs. Time to leave.
We received intel that certain parties may be contacting us soon..thus we need to head back ASAP.
Ops Stand-down.
Summary : Had our car serviced and was back home with a smile on everyone's face...dat I called, Service with a SMILE.
Stay healthy..eat wisely.
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