It is already Feb 08... How time flies...and without reliasing it, 2008 will soon pass by and then come 2009.
Sitting alone in my office as I wondered about my life. I am soon to be 34 this year
( I think ) ... What have I done ? What have I achieved ? What is my plan ?
Staring at the 4 walls of my office, I began recapping those moments of my life and wondered if I had done enuf. Have I been a gud person ? Have I accomplised what is needed ? Have I read more books or should I say any books ?
I recently bumped onto an old friend of mine and had a short conversation with him and did a little bit of an update about him.
He is into his 30's and manages his own bizness and I must say he is doing pretty well. At least that is what I can see. Talked more about his bizness thingy and I began to realised the various opportunites available out there and it is a matter of guts and will power that will determind one's success.
Anyway, it was a fruitfull meet up with him and I did managed to get some pointers from his entrepreneurship skills.
I am telling myself now. With the rising living standard in Singapore, we have no choice but to try and venture into something beyond our daily scope of work and not too be too confortable with what we are having. The world is evolving at a rapid rate and we need to be on our toes to get alongside with everyone else.
So, I pledge to myself to make 2008 a year of exploration and constantly be on a look out for opportunities that may just come knocking. I say that it is time to get KICKING !