Left home a about 1630hrs and headed via Bus 27 to T2.
Upon reaching, all 3 committee members started checking to ensure that all are present before proceeding into the departure zone
Reached Bangkok at approximately 2230hrs Bkk time. The flight was rather smooth.
Once in Bangkok, we were taken to ASIA Hotel where we stayed for the rest of the 4 days.
Took a trip to CHINATOWN. The place was packed with human traffic. This is a good place should you wanna to purchase items in bulk as this is a WHOLESALE market place. So those entrepeurners out there, this is the place to be. Quite a number of the stuff here are being sold at Singapore BEACH Rd market.
Was at CHINATOWN till 1500hrs before me and my buddy decided to proceed back to Hotel. But, due to some hick up on the taxi driver side, me and my buddy had a CITY Tour of Bangkok unexpectedly. The CAB driver lost his way. Can u believe dat..Anyway, we take it cool and treat is as a CITY Tour program instead. After driving for 40 min aimlessly, I instructed the cab driving to proceed to Mahboon Khrong shopping center instead.
Spend about 2hrs at MBK center before proceeding back to ASIA hotel which is within a walking distance to get ready for Dinner.
Everyone meet up during dinner time. Had our dinner at a restaurant in First Hotel which is also within walking distance.
After dinner we were taken to a nite market place called SUM LUM market. This is a less crampy place. Lots of space to walk about. The place sells mainly clothings and home deco. accessories.
The 3rd day started of early. Me and my 2 buddies had plan to go Chatuchak market to began my shopping. I had not bought anything over the last 2 days. The time have come to SHOP...
by 1430hrs, there was not much energy left in all of us and so we headed back to hotel to freshened up.
Rested for an hr or so and me and my buddy took off on a Tuk Tuk to SILOM Village to get some stuff for dearest wifey and mom. The search for the perfect single ply Thai silk began.
After scouting for about 1 hrs, I got myself 2 sets of the perfect single ply Thai Silk and began proceeding to MBK for another round of look see look see session..
By 1900hrs, we headed to Hard Rock Cafe which is nearby for Dinner (Sebat ajerrr.. makan IKAN ajerr)
Hangout at HRC till about 2230hrs before I catch up with my other buddy whom was out alone since 3pm looking for this TOYS...Whats up with dat !
The 4th day, and it was time to leave. But not before last round of last minute shopping...
and soon, it was really time to leave.Left ASIA hotel at 1600hrs for Bangkok International Airport.
Wahhh so many many pictures one..
Maiden journey to Bangkok ah..YAH LAH U left me behind and u enjoy! I expect a good holiday !!!
Wahhh so many many pictures one..
Maiden journey to Bangkok ah..YAH LAH U left me behind and u enjoy! I expect a good holiday !!!
Correction...U did not want to follow...hehehe....anyway, day and nite I was thinking of u...*wink*
Of course lah i didnt want to follow coz u said if i go this one, no more holiday for me what!!
elehh bedek only u think of me.. u sleep with CHEONG!!! hmmph!
Betui..Time makan, I ingatkan u, time minum I ingatkan u..Time hurray hurray I rasa I macam ingatkan u jugak lah...*thinking*
kalau tak percaya tanya CHEONG..hehehe..
Kekekekekeke ..
*sits back and watch soap opera*
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