Finally, after month of planning, we finally agreed upon a mission. Codename :
"Opz Dawn" .
Me and my buddy decided to meet up at Changi to carry out the mission. It was indeed a good morning for a shootout.
We took up positions and armed ourselves waiting for that perfect shot. last, at 0715hrs, we spotted the subject carefully emerging from its hiding.
Armed with our killer instinct, we began to engaged in the shootout... and without fear and favour we began to shoot from every angle possible.
Adrenaline starts to flow.... Situation becomes more intense thus a need to inprovise our tactics.
...and within minutes, calmness began to restore. Life was back to normal signalling the beginning of a Perfect Day.
I am tellin' u beb - U have a gift. In music, in writing, in photography. Anything u start will turn out beautiful. So - keep up the good work. Very pretty pictures and I loved them all. :)
yepz...Rise and Sun...and it was time for the shootout ! ....
Prata, No ! Nasi Lemak, YES ! Pinjam U-zap leh takz ?
seluar aku dah ketat..
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