Today, I attended a lunch treat organised by a few of my workplace buddies in appreciation of their recent promotion.
This lunch treat also a farewell lunch for of my buddy, Khun Asmadi whom will be leaving the "force" to presue a carreer in the financial sector...

I wish him all the BEST in his new found career and the may he succeed in persuing his dream.
Lunch was good. U can't go wrong with SWENSEN..Had Ribeye Steak. *there goes my 2 days of gym session*
Everyone enjoyed the session and may there be more of such occassion in months to come.
As for me, its time to hit the GYM again...
*Yeh Rite !*
Hahah! Gym?? Yah riteeeeeeeeee!
yep....Gymnastix maybe...
Yepz...Asmadi have left the building...skarang ader opening for trainer..hehehe..
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