Me and a few of my buddies took off from Singapore toward Tangkak via the NorthSouth Highway... Stop by at Machap for a quicky breakfast.

.....and soon, we are back on the highway.
Activating my turbo charger, we reached the entrance of Mt Ophir at about 12 plus...

Since it is already lunch time, we decided that it would be wise to pack some food as there are no foodstalls in the jungle.

Had to pay $1Rm per person & $2Rm for the car at the entrance. Nothing is for free nowaday....

.......and the journey begins.

I have always remembered Ophir with its many step ... Had a hard time climbing it the last time and still having a hard time climbing it now..hehehe..something juz never change...only this time, me felt giddy halfway climbing it... must the low on carbo.*yeh rite*

Halfway climbing, we decided the take 5... Damn tired siak...
.....and then we continued climbing.

Climbed for almost 35min before we finally reached our destination....THE WATERFALL...
Dapat jumpa Puteri Gunung Ledang tak ? hihihihihi
PGL tak jumpa...yg aku jumpa AWEK dokkk !!! ....
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