92 000km...dat was the total distance I had travelled with my "Sunny" Boy.... It was time to give a servicing package. Activated my usual troopers and the we named the OPS :
"Daddy Yankee"....
We meet up at rendevous point @ 1030hrs before proceeding to our first target point.

Had some printing job to be settled before "Sunny" Boy and Don " Matrix" had its servicing.
Was browsing thru' the shops while me car was being serviced when suddently, something captured my attention. Dat beautiful, sleak body with a black sexy outfit dat I juz could not take away my eyes off it. I was in LOVE.....
Regardless of what my buddies said, I could not care less... This is a matter of the HEART...which I can't simply brushed it away...
Why ?? Why does this have to happen ??...at least to me. I can't simply handle 2... How can I afford it.One have to leave...thus, a decision was made...
My parting message : Dear Love, for u have served me well over my 1 yr with u and thanks for all those wonderfull services that u have rendered to me all this while. I will always remember those fun memories dat we shared. I shall bring those fun memories to my new love.

Ladies & gentleman...Old Lady & Old Man.. Policeman & Fireman ... Introducing, the love of my life (for now)...M/s Nokia N73 (musix edition).
...anyway. Enough for my love life...Back to some serious stuff.
The ops. continued till nite and when it was time for Oscar Echo we sure did not missed out any details.

Nothing in the menu were missed out. All are carefull evaluated and considered. Though we had many proposals, we only take in what was best for us.

Time checked : 2200hrs. Time to leave.
We received intel that certain parties may be contacting us soon..thus we need to head back ASAP.
Ops Stand-down.
Summary : Had our car serviced and was back home with a smile on everyone's face...dat I called, Service with a SMILE.
Stay healthy..eat wisely.