
Friday, November 09, 2007

....and fear is my ally

Over the last few months me had me been doing lots of soul searching .... In search for the one true answer of my very existance in this planet and the path for which I must choose. The many challenges of life that I must face and gladly knowing that it is the sense of love from the closest one that may paved the way toward a smooth journey.

As I took on the journey, I could not help but feel the sense of FEAR towards the uncertainties of the journey and began questioning these uncertainties. Overtime, I hope to make these fear as my ally and continue with the journey to reach my destiny.

For what I may have been destined to be...I shall be in control of situation to be.

I shall accept this responsibilities and see what things may turned out to be.


Jedi JabZy

* believe is the way of the FORCE

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