Today Baby Sarah had her first taste of Salt Water. Woke up early morning and felt like having a Big Breakfast meal thus, I woke up eveyone to inform them of my plan...Breakfast @ East Coast Mcdonalds.

We have been planning to bring "Little Dragon Sarah" to the beach for quite sometime and everytime we had to postponed it due to wet weather. But not today, eventhough the weather looked gloomy, I decided to take a shot for a Breakfast cum Beach outing.

It was her first experience with the sea. Looking at the wave that comes crashing in, I could see the fear in her eyes.
It was after much pacifying talk and 'Jedi' mind trick that she managed to calm down and be one with the sea.
Within 5 mins, she was feeling all confortable with the sea..
As I did not bring along my swimming gear, her swimming session lasted for only 20 mins.

Enough for now...but we shall return...
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