I saw the Batmobil parked somewhere here..I should not reveal the place so as to ensure the privacy of BRUCE WAYNE and also so as not to give away his hideout to those villians out there.
Anyway, my conclusion is the real BRUCE WAYNE maybe a Singaporean ?or is the BAT dude here in Singapore for a Holiday ? Convention ? IR bidding ? ...... only time will tell. (anyway, what the hell was I doing there then)
Alamak!!! Aku rasa Batcave punya Pintu punya Hydraulic system rosaklah...itu sebab kena park luar.
..or I think it may be the VALVE or the Hydrulic pump dat may have caused the problem...or even better..the door activation system may have not accepted the system policy setting thus causing it to have conflicts with other integrated system setting...wohoooo !!!!!!!!
Or simply Batman forgot to take his ID card from the guardpost.
Batman needs some tarrr
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