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Got me dotter this t-shirt with the following slogan .... Fits her well.
Anyway, kids will always be kids ... they climb, they jump, they ran, they hide, they cry, they lick, they chew, they touch, they refuse to share and oh yah...they cry...
It is all part of a child's development....and we as parents juz have to accept and adapt (under the boh pian act).
...and not forgetting, they are CUTE too.
Its been quite sometime since I have been to the Mosque @ Dunlop St. I believe the Mosque name is Abdul Ghafoor, * it think.
Since it was still early for my class, I decided to drop by for solat Asar followed by Magrib.
I am juz a sucker for good architectural designs.Beautifully crafted words from the Quran and elegently displayed patterns juz create a sense of peacefulness and greatness.
Definately a feast for the EYEs
PS : Photos were taken using Nokia N73
Its has been quite a while since I've been to TakaShimaYa...Saturday, 17 Nov 07, I decided to go there for a walk walk session...furthermore wifey had some stuff to look for.
There is a toy carnival happening there. Wifey wanted to get Sarah the Bubble Gun but because the queue was very long she decided to shelve the idea..
I had also wanted to get Sarah a pair of new shoe because she only have 1 shoe that fits. All other shoes are too small for her... Unfortunately, the shoes that we liked does not have her size.
After about 2.5 hrs of walking we decided to leave as we need to go the hospital to visit wifey's dad.
Upon exiting Taka's carpark, I was shocked when realising that the CARPARK charges amounted to $10 ... I told myself, $10 for 2.5hrs +-... Wat the PARK !!!
Over the last few months me had me been doing lots of soul searching .... In search for the one true answer of my very existance in this planet and the path for which I must choose. The many challenges of life that I must face and gladly knowing that it is the sense of love from the closest one that may paved the way toward a smooth journey.
As I took on the journey, I could not help but feel the sense of FEAR towards the uncertainties of the journey and began questioning these uncertainties. Overtime, I hope to make these fear as my ally and continue with the journey to reach my destiny.
For what I may have been destined to be...I shall be in control of situation to be.
I shall accept this responsibilities and see what things may turned out to be.
Jedi JabZy
* believe is the way of the FORCE