the day did sneak up on the night
I see your face and I see myself, and I get a little taste of life
I try to stand it for a while..........
Got out of bed today at 1030hrs...Feeling all good.
Was supprise that I woke up this timing considering the fact that I slept rather late last time due to a nite trip to MUSTAFA CENTER to celebrate my 5th yr aniversary eathing PRATA & Capatti.
Did not get the chance to get wifey anything due the my hectic decided to let her choose something that she wants at Mustafa Center...
End up with a BOTTLE of Ethernity perfume and 2 HINDI VCD.
Talking about HINDI VCD, me saw something interested while browsing the Hindi VCD selections. The Hindi shows are getting more and more SEXY, with Men & Women have to put on less clothes(but I'm not complaining). There was this one movie that indicated, "CONTENT NIDITY" (whats with the NIDITY thingy)...
The temptation was high to purchase the movie, but then again...looking at the story plot, I decided to SCRAP the idea...
Gone are the era whereby HINDI movies are about family values and the poor men marrying the rich women, good vs evil... Nowadays, cerita nak SEK ajer..."Manyak SEK punya olang dahh"
This morning...The Hospital called to informed that PAPA is ready to be discharged.
Alhamdulillah.. Now me getting ready to TEN SEVEN to Hospital.
Over and out.
sayang..thanks for the anniversary suprise at the CMK restaurant eating prata and cappati and also the suprise to get me the perfume..:) sorry i didnt get u anything..:) but i want u to know that i love u many many.. :)
also - kenapalah tak pegi beli ajer CD SEK tu..bagos aper..kita mempelajari.. KAMA SUTRA hahahahaha
Issshh....U nie punz... I memang dah "tahu buat" tu benda semua....hehehe..
Takper lah kau u did not get me anything..U can always get me the Sony PSP next time..(not asking much)*wink*
kuang asam... nak SONY PSP ajer.. banyakkk duit bini kau hehehe
Happy Belated Anniversary you guyz .. Untung Kak Tin dapat parfum .. all I got for the BIG day was Anis got me to view a very dusty house as well as whiff of his YEWWWW DE PARFUM hehehehehe ..
Hmmmm...I guess Nidity blends well if served with DAHL..
Ida.. thanks for the wish. ehh bagos tu dapat tengok rumah BARU.. that is the best present tau..i tengah tunggu ajer my turn beb! hehehe..
Yang - u ni eh.disgusting tau.. dhal plak..baru makan capati..dont remind me ok!
Kak tin, meh la pindah Sengkang or Punggol kekekeke kita satu kelompok..cian Rie relax satu corner. Btw, Jabz can make loads of money selling his Tampines house. My fren bought a 5 room Tampines flat for 400K siak .. Imagine urs yang within walking distance to interchange?? 500K pun orang sanggup nak beli agaknya hehehe. Jadi OKB seh .. takyah tunggu CPF hehehehe.
I heard it comes with optional dips too..either CHEESE or CARAMEL...
Ida.. mana leh jual rumah tu beb? tu bukan rumah i ler..or jabz..its my mom in law's and also rumah pusaka..arwah ayah, if one day i move out..i will move out only with the things in my bedroom heheh..which is all mine heheh.. insyallah kalau ade rezeki belilah rumah kita nanti..tapi cik abang i nak jugak kat, we wait lah sampai HDB buat rumah lagi.. sementara tu i stay free in rumah IBU MERTUA KU! hehee
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