First of all, I would like to wish everyone " Happy Belated New Year"....
Darn...Time flies so fast when u're has, at least for me...
Now, witness the fully operational "death star" ... errr, I mean HTA (whatever it means)..
The past few months have been a learning experience for me... I learned that I still could not understand what the hell are those Cyber guys are talking about and their jokes are so technical...( all I can say to them is " ROCK NEVER DIE")
Was heavily engaged in getting the site to be operational ready...I still could not believe it that I had to work OMO on this... Everyday sure got suprises one...*Binggitz*...The only time I can sit down and concentrate on my work is after 1800hrs...There are just too many shitty things to HANDLE...So I now have to change to STEERING (khas buat meka yg paham nie joke)
Left my office at 2030hrs today only to realise that I had forgotten to lock my office...KNN....Make a U Turn at the Expressway to return to office to lock it..
Reached hospital at 2130hrs. PAPA still looking sick with his nose all swollen.
Called my MOM whom is at MECCA to have a chat with her...She sounded sick...saying that she is having a sore throat and runny nose. Weather there is rather unpredictable...Halfway talking and I got disconnected. Found out that her Hi CARD value have finished. Went to a SAM machine and managed to top up $75 for her...Called her again and wishes her well and to take care of herself.
Reached home at 1115hrs...Wifey not around today to play play with...hmmm...must find some activity to do...hmmmm...but then again, I am shacked...tomorrow is a new battle royal..
I need a bath to cool off...
Wow! Nice! I sure can make do with that kinda bath.
Wifey not around to play play with?? Lain macam je bunyi hehehehhee.
bunyi bunyian tu biasa lah..cuma hari tu kedengaran bunyi CENGKEREK ajer..
HTA...Bigggg place..... good training ground for a JEDI...
Hmmm...Look I shall...
Anis - jangan kata kau..kalau ade position in Corporate Comms in HTA pun aku nak seh! provided they give me a pay that matches my current one! aku pegi balik ngan LAKI siak ..woohoo! hehehe
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